Colour format
Colours must be provided in CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow & key known as black), not RGB (red, green & blue). Any conversions can affect changes to the tone of colour.
Stand-up pouches have become a popular choice for packaging due to their versatility, convenience, and shelf appeal. These pouches stand upright on store shelves, provide ample space for branding, and..
Stand-up pouches have become a popular choice for packaging due to their versatility, convenience, and shelf appeal. These pouches stand upright on store shelves, provide ample space for branding, and..
What is Digital Printing?
Digital printing is a method where digital images are directly printed onto various substrates using digital files. Unlike traditional printing methods, such as rotogravure, ..
Rotogravure, often referred to simply as gravure, is a high-quality, high-speed printing process that is commonly used for packaging, labels, and magazines.
Experience – Rightpak was founded in 2012 and has firmly established itself within the packaging industry specialising in supplying flexible packaging solutions, such as stand up pouches to food and n..