Require a sample from Rightpak?
We understand that before placing an order with us, or looking at new packaging options, you may need to see and test a sample for size before you make that order with Rightpak. With this in mind, we’ve introduce a new ‘Free Sample’* service where you can get up to ‘3’ Free Samples with Rightpak.
These samples help you ensure that the product you're getting from Rightpak is right for you! You can even add samples with your standard orders with Rightpak too.
*We’ve set a limit of 3 ‘Free Samples’ but you can add more to your basket. We just add a small processing fee for the additional samples required after your first 3.
1. find the pouch you'd like a sample of,
2. click add 'Add Sample to Basket',
3. continue browsing or shopping, then head to checkout to complete your order.
Thank You!
The Rightpak Team