01923 330 452

Supplying Artwork Guide

Colour format

Colours must be provided in CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow & key known as black), not RGB (red, green & blue). Any conversions can affect changes to the tone of colour.

Spot Varnish and Metallic Features

If spot varnish and/or metallic features are required in your design, please define these and ensure these are provided as separate layers.

White/Clear/No white areas

If white printing or transparent areas are required, please define these using a suitable colour in contrast to your design and ensure these white or transparent areas are provided as separate layers.

File formats

PDFs, Illustrator or Photoshop files should be saved and provided to us with layers separated in PDF or EPS format. 
Adobe PDFs  Adobe Photoshop  Adobe Illustrator

Multiple designs

If you have more than one artwork, please ensure that each design or SKU is saved separately for ease of identification.


An optimal high resolution of 300dpi is required as a minimum.  check your resolution by viewing as a PDF at 300%-400% to give you an impression of how it might appear when printed.


Text/font must be outlined or sent as a separate font file.


Artwork and dieline must be on separate layers in the file and all packaging features and seals must be clearly defined.

Supplying Artwork

Once you’re ready to submit your artwork to us, please email your artwork or send it to us via Google Drive, Dropbox or WeTransfer.


A digital proof will be sent to you to thoroughly check the artwork on a die line. Once this proof is approved by you, you are responsible for any errors present but not flagged up at this time.

Artwork Guide

For guidance regarding your design and the impacts it may have on your desired packaging type, please check the relevant Artwork Guide for tips and a handy checklist.

Need our help?

Should you wish to discuss any aspect of your project with us or have any queries regarding this guide, please don’t hesitate to contact our dedicated customer service team on 01923 330 452 who will be more than willing to help you.